Download latest version of frostwire for mac
Aargl Jan 13 Also still crashing on quit, occasionally. BradMacPro Nov 12 Requirements are not correct. Frostwire 5. Zicola Nov 11 Aargl Oct 11 The "crash on quit" bug has returned with version 5. WDS Oct 3 This latest version, 5. The last version which ran fairly reliably under Snow Leopard was 5. Color me disappointed. WDS Aug 13 Crashed on launch under Snow Leopard Aargl Nov 28 Well it's far from being perfect, but I could find some rare old stuff not re-released on CD, thanks to it!
Browsing Youtube and extracting the audio for you is definitely a great feature! Bad things: weird behaviour if you resize the window, and crashes on quit. Actually, I seem to have found a little trick to avoid crash on quit: close the main window first then quit! PinkyDinky Sep 25 I think I am first here to give it 5 stars!
But oh well! I am not a super savvy torrent person, but I get the concept. I like that FrostWire let's me download just a few files from a big torrent.
I like that I can download from YouTube and Soundcloud too! I like that I first get to search and then narrow down my search results by audio or video or torrent. I like that all my music goes directly to iTunes, although I do find myself using the FrostWire player more often [still little buggy] I don't like the chat - feels like something I would use in high school 10 years ago!
I don't like that the software closes for a long time. But I guess these are not a big deal. Utter garbage and still slow and clunky using java. Macs-Pain Mar 10 This sucks. With version 5. Wow, I didn't know people were still using bittorrent. There are far better ways to get whatever movie or file you want without the risk of being sued and without relying on the snail slow speeds of seeding. Am I bragging?
You betcha! It's fine for what it does, but without encryption control, stay away from this thing. Use Vuse with manually forcing it off public channels or Transmission with full encryption and manually searched torrents.
Naoh Aug 25 I guess it makes sense to become BitTorrent clients, as that is the only peer-to-peer file sharing system with any kind of claim to having a legitimate purpose.
LizBo Aug 25 I wonder how long this will last. With LimeWire's fate sealed by the courts for copyright infringement I hope Frostwire, xtorrent and Acquisition are all next on the USA hit list for similar fates. None of these three copycats deserve to be around.
Libertyforall Jul 27 Where does it say on frostwire. This is the main download linked -- clearly not a beta Sgginc May 6 About Frostwire shows version 1.
SickTeddyBear Mar 30 The last PPC compatible version was 4. Holypoly Mar 30 New in 4. No more flickering. Overlays are now shown in an animated slideshow. More than 2 artists can now be promoted. Mojito DHT is now active. This program does have uses. If you use just the torrent search, all sorts of possibilites are there. Blueshead50 Dec 16 I also like to beat a dead dog.. Which this app is.. Crazy-Larrry Sep 30 Garbage is as garbage gets. Ripoff of Limewire and a sad attempt at it too.
Bruceg Aug 30 Crashes on startup on Dual 1. SickTeddyBear Aug 23 Entire network is choked with Virii, trojans and kiddie porn. Talaatharb Jun 23 SickTeddyBear May 12 I'm a former Limewire Pro user, who switched to Frostwire when I got tired of paying for the privilege of faster downloads, and who was still using a PPC machine, which Limewire had abandoned.
Frostwire has never let me down. While torrents are more efficient for larger downloads of entire albums, when all you want to to hear is that one catchy or obscure song particularly those that are often out of print , Frostwire is the way to go. And for those who are wondering, yes, I buy my music legally from various sources, including iTunes, Amazon, and cool record stores like Amoeba and Rasputin.
I use Frostwire as more of a preview service or listening station, so that I can hear certain songs in their entirety first and determine whether I want to buy them. Even with the growth of streaming services such as Grooveshark, there are still things you can find via the p2p networks like Gnutella that can't be found elsewhere. That's why Frostwire is still a valuable tool for me. Also, to the people who have been trashing Frostwire as useless in comparison to torrents, make note of this entry on the Frostwire blog, in regards to the 4.
Not only all the prior issues our users reported with torrents are gone, but downloading torrents with FrostWire is faster than ever. Torrent Bootstrapping has also significantly improved and in some cases the average download speeds are even 3x faster than with our previous torrent technology.
The introduction of gnutella based. Roaming-Nomad Apr 15 Does it work on powerbook g4 version If not, does anyone know where I can get a good music downloader foor it? Laws concerning the use of this software vary from country to country.
We do not encourage or condone the use of this program if it is in violation of these laws. Softonic does not encourage or condone the illegal streaming, duplication or distribution of copyrighted content. You are solely responsible for any use of the service. In Softonic we scan all the files hosted on our platform to assess and avoid any potential harm for your device. Our team performs checks each time a new file is uploaded and periodically reviews files to confirm or update their status.
This comprehensive process allows us to set a status for any downloadable file as follows:. We have scanned the file and URLs associated with this software program in more than 50 of the world's leading antivirus services; no possible threat has been detected. Based on our scan system, we have determined that these flags are possibly false positives.
It means a benign program is wrongfully flagged as malicious due to an overly broad detection signature or algorithm used in an antivirus program. What do you think about FrostWire? Do you recommend it? FrostWire for Mac. Softonic review Frostwire is a torrent client with tons of features There are lots of torrent clients out there all doing more or less the same job but with varying degrees of usability.
Strong features strong layout. MP3 Rocket 5. Music Download Center 0. FrostWire is one of the most popular downloading customers on the market for torrents. This is because the application is very simple and easy to use and because it has everything you need to please its users.
You can search the files from which you would like to download, track file sharing, view the content of your library , set up the links, and chat with other users on the interface of the program. The app requires little configuration, which makes it ideal for users with little computing knowledge. Over the last few decades, Torrents has become popular with millions of torrent networks.