Download ios 4.0.1 for ipod touch 2g

I downloaded IOS 4. My phone is currently running on 3. I saved shsh with Tiny Umbrella — it shows as 4. I thought it would show as 3. There is no need to download this firmware. Upgrade to 4. Then unlock with ultratrasn0w from cydia. Good luck. Thanks for the reply Smitty.

I already downloaded the ios 4. Do I have to download it through iTunes again or is there another way to install the already downloaded ios. I think it would be worth the time to download the new 4. Try this method using phonebook sim to hacktivate the phone. Hope it helps. Then,when i inserted my sim in it and unlocked it…a screen of emergency call is back saying A Different sim is detective,connect to itunes.

And Itunes is again saying to insert official carrier sim. Again whole process again,but still when i insert my sim it goes back to activation. Hacktivation app is now available in cydia. I used jailbreak 2. I came to work to help a coworker do the same and after we enter the jailbreakme. Is this a problem with the load on the jailbreakme. It must have been the server because he went home and tried it later in the evening and everything worked fine.

Just a quick question, a work mate has updated to 4. He has downloaded the 4. Is this because Apple is no longer signing 4. What am I doing wrong? I have done all of this. But when I try to restore to 4. I tried to rename the name zip file to a.

Not possible to downgrade without shsh saved. I have iPhone 3G runing Os 3. Can any one help me. Hey, Can someone please help me jailbreak and unlock my iPhone 3G 4. My iphone 4g with firmware 4. All that happens for me is when I slide to unlock, Safari just crashes to dashboard.

I have 3gs new bootrom on 4. I tried deleting cashes etc.. Have u jailbreak ur iPod touch??? I have the same problem with u… I have iPod touch 3rd gen on ios4. Ok my problem is… every time I go to safari and type in either jailbreakme. I have an Ipod Touch 2nd generation MC model running 4. Same here.

Touch 2g MC model with iOS4. June 25, , am. Links are UP again.. New Links Added! Rahul July 9, , am. RIO June 25, , pm.

Ijann June 25, , pm. Is it safe to JB with the latest iTune? RIO June 26, , am. Satya June 28, , pm. Rio June 26, , am. Tavish June 26, , pm. Is there any os 4. Benzynite June 27, , am. CFW preserve s the baseband.. TarekElmalah June 28, , pm. RIO June 28, , pm.

Rio June 28, , pm. Brian June 28, , pm. Rio June 29, , am. Rahul June 29, , am. Rahul June 29, , pm. I have Windows XP. Rio June 29, , pm. Smitty July 2, , pm. Does the activated ipsw have the wildcard. Thanks in advance guys. Smitty July 5, , am. Waqas July 7, , pm. Smitty July 15, , am.

OSagent July 29, , pm. Muhammad Younas August 2, , am. P E R fect. Allen August 5, , am. Smitty August 5, , am. Shyam August 12, , pm. Like every1 i just dont want to screw my phone up, any info is appreciated.

Muhammad August 5, , am. I want to install OS4 in it. I have some questions: 1. If i restore my OS to 4 then will my baseband be updated?

Can i again jailbreak my iphone as i have previously jailbroken with sprit? Can i unlock it? Yes 2. NO, you must be 3. UltraSn0w can unlock all baseband to date. When I tried jailbreaking my Ipod touch 2nd gen v4. Nothing loads then.. My IPod screen is still off.. Please tell me whats wrong? Can anyone please help? I am trying to jailbreak iphone 3g 4. After down loading 4. But when i double click it, nothing happens. I have Cydia installed on it with ultrasn0w 1.


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