Directv app crashes when playing downloaded show

Direct tv should just stop their mobile support because it absolutely does not work. Just try and get regular tv right. Try's to be way to secure and unhelpful.

Should transition to a Netflix style support app constantly crashes can't watch ever show on app. Record feature automatically stops recording shows you want to watch.

I'm taking the time to write because I want to watch the walking dead but can't because of an update that will not properly install. So then I go to watch it live on my MacBook go to the website ps u have to click like 6 different links and sign in 2 times before u can get to the watch direct tv screen.

Then u can navigate to the show click the show click on another play button and again click on another play button no I didn't type that twice on accident. Then another play button that has no response not even a failure to play response. Just loading forever. So then Im like I'll just watch in live from the direct t. Go to the guide function find the amc channel click the little play button and again no response just loading forever Find out how to watch TV from anywhere. Looking for more info?

Troubleshoot directv. Did you get the help you needed? We're so glad we could help. What worked? Support Landline home phone. From your mobile device. Sign in with your directv.

If the App crashes or you experience issues, check for recent updates and restart your device. Choose or select Browse for TV and make sure your receiver is listed in the menu. To start watching, select the tab to watch on your device. Select the down arrow to start downloading the show or movie to your device.

Thanks for the verification. I got two separate emails from DTVN re their new apps for Fire TV and Android, one for being involved in their beta program, and another just as a regular subscriber. You will not be able to access our new app while the BETA app is still installed. Pressing the bottom of the navigation ring to scroll down to More Info, press the OK center of the navigation ring. Needless to say, I understand that following the above kind of directions appears to not be working for some folks.

I appreciate information, but it is sometimes lacking enough information. What is Beta and where do you find it? In my prior comment, I was talking about uninstalling and then reinstalling the DirecTV Now app on any supported Fire TV device, as a means of solving potential performance problems. Shows that do record, record record reruns when set to new only. Cancelled and went back to Vue. I updated 3 of my various FireTV devices.

Now my local channels are wrong. Everything was fine before the update. I did online chat with DTVN support and they said they would fix the zip code issue so my correct locals would come back. So far its not working. Does anyone have or know where I can get the apk from the previous version? Even though the app shortcut is gone on our first Gen fire TV, we can launch it by going to settings, manage applications, select dtvn, and open from there.

I activated the DTVN service yesterday. I successfully downloaded the updated version. I have 2nd gen firestick. It is extremely hard for my 65yr old eyes to see the channels on left.

Chatting is ok, but…i would lik to talk to a human sometimes. Its ridiculous!!! I do appreciate the small description of the shows.

Dont have beta so cannot comment on that yet. I dont have cable option where i live or i would go to Spectrum. I have to delete data every single time and login in order for app to open. Especially the Kodi app. And i mean at the rate of every minutes. At times goes right back to home page. Im getting very aggravated with this technology. Not sure it is worth the money.. Not cool.


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