Driver you are the wheelman download

Watch all you want. Videos Wheelman. Wheelman Trailer. More Details. Watch offline. But Driver is a game that's not without its little problems. As an example of a "different" kind of racing game, it's tough to fault.

The whole '70s cop show vibe is pulled off with tremendous style and the squealing tires, roaring engines and ludicrous smashing-through-boxes. It's packed with options too. Not only do you get the "story" mode that has you infiltrating the mob as a getaway driver which develops into an excellent FK-style, mob-trying-to-kill-the-president thing The finest of these is the Pursuit Mode. Here you simply have to chase after a single car through the streets of the city and try to ram him off the road before he escapes.

It's simple, but so effective that you'll spend as much time with this "bonus extra" as anything else. But what of those problems? The gorgeous graphics seem to put a tremendous strain on the PlayStation, the net result of which is some terrible slowdown. Race around with a couple of cops on your tail and it feels like you're only doing about 3omph, which ain't that great. It also has some really bad memory card problems which can completely lock up your PlayStation when you try to save a game.

I've been looking forward to the exciting car chases of Driver for so long now. The fact that it has problems though has proven to spoil the experience. Don't get me wrong. It's a great game but the stupid glitches spoil what could've been perfect. The slowdown is somewhat forgivable--this is a fine-looking game that really pushes the PlayStation after all. What I can't forgive are the memory card problems, which crashed my machine several times.

I've wanted to play this game since it was announced some time back. And overall. I'd say it has been worth the wait. But you should be aware: The game isn't without problems.

The frame-rate suffers in some areas which takes away from the high-speed feel of chases, and the difficulty should've been more gradual. Still, the story line is funny and interesting, the control is tight and the action and consequent crashes and flips are awe-inspiring.

Driver pulls off the '70s cop show theme quite well. The other thing it does really well is re-create the driving characteristics of a bloated old muscle-car. The body sway, spinouts, etc. With the physics in place, the rest is academic, lust playing the driving games specifically pursuit is a blast.

Story Mode is decent but once you're done, you're done, not much replay there. Small glitches aside. Driver is definitely worth the money. It's really surprising that no one has done this before. Virtually every cool action film and TV cop show has good old-fashioned car chases in them Now there is The player takes on the role of a getaway car driver, and the basic objective of the game is to meet up with criminals as they are leaving their heists and drive them to safety.

What makes the thing so impressive though is the fact that the chases take place in some of the most accurate modeled cityscapes we've seen on any system. The team apparently drove around each city and took video of every street to make sure that they got buildings in the right places.

One guest at Reflection's booth at E3 felt so familiar with the map of Miami the team had made that he drove around and pointed out the apartment building he used to live in! Despite the realism of the maps though, it's the tire-squealing '70s cop show-inspired action that really makes this game an exciting prospect. Tearing around the streets of San Francisco with loads of cops on your tail while weaving in and out of the sensible, law-abiding drivers and pedestrians of the city is a truly wonderful experience.

Driver has yet to be signed to a publisher--but from what we saw at E3 it's only a matter of time. Watch out for more news on this in coming months. GT Interactive and Reflections present Driver , which puts you behind the wheel in an effort to outrun cops, gangsters, and the clock throughout four different cities.

You are the wheelman. Driver has some very fun and interesting gameplay that will really challenge even the best gamers. The game is set up with several options for playing including Training, Driving games, Take a Ride, and Undercover. Training consists of two different missions designed to give you a feel for handling the car. The interesting part is that these missions are actually harder than some of the main missions in the game!

Take a Ride is a better place to start as it allows you to cruise around one of the four cities in the game at your own pace. All of the driving games allow you to enter your score on the scoreboard if you wish. The Undercover missions consist of a storyline where you play an ex-racecar driver turned cop named Tanner who goes undercover as a Driver for various gangsters.

There are a variety of missions that are similar to some of the driving games, such as pursuit, but most are timed checkpoint style. Surprisingly, the first mission in the game tends to be harder than many subsequent missions. The only law honored by gangs of criminals is the right of the strong. Crimes here are constantly, but information about the impending robbery of the century has not been left without attention of the special services.

The protagonist, a professional driver and at the same time an agent under cover, is being introduced into a criminal world full of violence, murder and blood money. Before him, a difficult task is to reveal the boss's plans and stay alive, constantly one step ahead of the warring factions and local justice. Download Driver. Driver Screenshots Windows.

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